The Monks books and DVD's contain advanced pool concepts. They
are all about learning the skills to enable you to compete successfully at pool. Whether you decribe yourself as a social
player, league player, tournament player, or match player your game can be improved through skills development. The
Monk system not only teaches the basics of the game but how to focus on winning with a one track mind. Beat all your friends
the next time you play!!!
Click on the picture of your choice to see an enlarged picture.
The Monk "Point The Way" Billiard Book
Point the Way is already considered a "classic", a "must have", a "get-your-own-copy-or-die" book. Learn the Inner Game
of Pocket Billiards. Everyone who plays pool should read this book. Point the Way is used by both pros and amateurs to master
the inner game of pool. Learn how the shot shoots itself. Master key ball syndrome. Point the Way shows you how to increase
your concentration skills. Learn how to reach the "zone."
The Monk "I Came To Win" Billiard Book
Use this book as a guide to break through to the next level. Learn what is holding you back. Are you stuck at a plateau
where you can't seem to break through to the next level? Have you reached a point where you just can't seem to improve your
game? Unlock the barriers holding you back. The Monk has helped thousands of players break through to the next level.
The Monk "The 8-Ball Book" Billiard Book
Use this book as a step-by-step guide to help you master the game of 8-Ball. The 8-Ball Book will teach you the shots
you need to know how to play and to compete in league play and tournament matches. The 8-Ball Book will teach you practice
sessions necessary for your improvement and complete development as a pool player. The 8-Ball Book will teach you position
play as well a how to ser up and successfully complete a runout. The 8-Ball Book will teach you 8-ball strategy and subconscious
conditioning so that you can be a true champion. Master new shots, learn how to practice, discover 8-ball strategy, learn
perfect position, understand deflection, learn how to runout, master concentration, and learn 8-ball survival.
The Monk 101 DVD Series "The 4 Strokes of Pool" Vol. 1
Mastering your stroke is the foundation to a better game. The stroke determines the track line and cue ball speed.
This DVD also features the Monk's famous Stun Break as a special bonus. It can be used for both eight and nine ball games.
The Monk 101 DVD Series "The 4 Strokes of Pool" Vol. 2
In Volume 2, The Monk covers draw stroke, spin stroke and follow stroke. After mastering the four different draw strokes,
you will move on to the spin stroke. This is the stroke that can be the difference between winning and losing a game, a valuable
piece of information that is rarely shared by instructors. You will also learn the follow stroke, which is a wonderful stroke
to use when you want to gain position on your next ball.
The Monk 101 DVD Series "Mastering Self"
This DVD is the final stage in your journey to the top of pocket billiards. Once you have mastered the other 3 techniques
in this series, the material in taught in the DVD will help you control your emotions and win the games you have been losing.
Once you can start taking control of yourself, you can take back those losses and you will rise to the top of your league.
The Monk 101 DVD Series "Bring Your Game To Its Highest Level"
This training DVD was devised to do just what the title says, bring your game to it's highest level. The main idea behind
this tutorial is to put your mind at ease and concentrate on the game and your opponent.
The Monk 101 DVD Series "Cue Ball Speed"
In this session you will start your foundation to a better game. After mastering the strokes of pool, you will need
to master "cue ball speed". Quit guessing the table speed at tournaments and learn the cue ball speed that gives you the
best chance of making your shots.
The Monk 202 DVD Series "Foundations for Banking & Kicking, Vol. 1
Rack Up A Victory Series (Volume One) will establish the proper approach to those "Dot on the Rail" the ingredients of
this video combines over thirty years of personal exposure to the Diamond System Study, and are conveyed in a logical sequence,
to enhance your understanding of the "Dr Cue's" famous "Parallel Shift" and "7th Pocket" systems. This will help you master
the angles and become positive in banking and kicking. You will never get caught on three fouls again. Become a kicking
expert with "Dr Cue".
The Monk 202 DVD Series "Foundations for Banking & Kicking", Vol. 2
The Monk 202, Banking and Kicking series enters the beautiful world of two cushion control for kicking mastery. This
will give you that positive feeling when faced with a difficult kick shot. You will no longer worry about how your opponent
leaves you on the table. When you master the volume two series, you will walk to the table with confidence. You will win
more games through you superior offensive and defensive maneuvers.
The Monk 202 DVD Series "Foundations for Banking & Kicking", Vol. 3
The Monk 202 Volume 3 is for the serious player who wants to be an advanced kicking and banking expert. They do not
want to be caught in a situation they do not know how to get out of. They want the advantage at every turn. They are willing
to spend the time to really learn the dynamics of advanced kicking and banking. In other words, they want success.
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