The Monks books and DVD's contain advanced billiard concepts. They
are all about learning the skills to enable you to compete successfully at billiards. Whether you decribe yourself as a social
player, league player, tournament player, or match player your game can be improved through skills development. The
Monk system not only teaches the basics of the game but how to focus on winning with a one track mind. Beat all your friends
the next time you play!!!
Click on the picture of your choice to see an enlarged picture.
The Complete Monk 101 Set 5 DVD's
Get the whole set and save! This set includes the five volumes of The Monk 101. You save almost $50!
The Complete Monk 202 Set: 3 DVD's
Get the whole set and save! This set includes the three volumes of The Monk 202. You save $25!
The Complete Monk DVD Set: 8 DVD's
Get all the Monk DVDs all at once and save! This set includes the eight discs that make up the complete Monk DVD collection.
You save almost $75!
The Monk Book & DVD Collection: 8 DVD's & 3 Books
WOW! Not only do you get a great education, you get a great deal! You get eight DVDs and 3 books. You save almost $85!