
Piazza Places First in Lakewood Billiards Event

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Piazza Places First in Lakewood Billiards Event

Piazza Places First in Lakewood Billiards Event
Lucasi Hybrid Cues All-American Tour / Lakewood, CO

by InsidePOOL Staff

Tony Piazza took first place at the January 28 installment of the Lucasi Hybrid Cues All-American Tour, besting Sam Cordova in the finals to remain undefeated. Greenfields Pool and Sports Bar in Lakewood, CO, hosted the $1,000-added 8-ball scratch tournament, which drew 49 players.

piazza Piazza Places First in Lakewood Billiards Event

(L-R) Roy Yamane (3rd), Sam Cordova (2nd) and Tony Piazza (1st)

On the A-side, Piazza and Roy Yamane met for the hot seat after Piazza dispatched Andrew Pettinger 5-2 and Yamane upended Cordova 5-4 in the semifinals. Piazza then remained the lone undefeated player by outpointing Yamane 5-2.

On the B-side Jim Fraser and Ed Borrego were eliminated at seventh place by Kevin Williams 5-0 and Ron O’Meara 5-2, respectively. But in the next round both Williams and O’Meara were ousted, courtesy of Pettinger 5-4 and Cordova 5-1, respectively. Cordova kept up his momentum in the next round by stopping Pettinger at fourth place by a 5-1 margin. Cordova then avenged his only loss by taking down Yamane in the B-side finals 5-3. Cordova had to defeat Piazza two sets for the title, but Piazza was having nothing of that, and he dispatched Cordova 5-2 for the title.

1st Tony Piazza $790
2nd Sam Cordova $400
3rd Roy Yamane $200
4th Andrew Pettinger $150
5th Kevin Williams $75
Ron O’Meara
7th Jim Fraser $50
Ed Borrego
9th John Sandifer $35
Fred Vigil
Flats Lujan
Elliott Fields

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