
Tommy Baker wins the Eagles Club Tournament, Roy Utah

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Tommy Baker Wins Eagles Club Tournament, Roy Utah

The Eagles Club in Roy Utah held an open race to 4 8-ball tournament on September 24th 2011. The tournament was played on 6 valley 7' pool tables. The tournament was chock full of some the best players in the region. Jackie Tucker was the tournament director; she did a great job of running the 33-player board as usual. Roadplayer Billiards had a display of their pool cues, pool cue cases and accessories for players to purchase.  The Eagles Club staff did a great job of taking care of all the pool players, the Eagles is a nice club with a full bar, menu and a great manager, Peggy Lee. I would highly recommend it if your in the area and want to have some fun. All the hard work paid off as all the participants in the tournament had a great time.
The play started around noon Saturday and was finished Saturday evening. Their were several very good match's early in the tournament, with Ace Brown and Duke Mataele playing a early match with Duke coming out the winner. Todd Palmer came back from 2-0 and 3-0 deficits to make it to the semi-finals against Wendy Miciary and Mike Thornton. The semi-final matches in the winners bracket were Tommy Baker vs. Duke Mataele and Todd Palmer vs. Roger Bordley. Tommy Baker and Todd Palmer advanced. In the match for the drivers seat Tommy Baker defeated Todd Palmer.
On the B side of the bracket Roger Bordley beat Scott Dahle for 7-8th and T-Bone beat Eddie Payne in the other 7-8th place match. Ace Brown defeated Roger Bordley for 5-6th and Duke Mataele defeated T-Bone for the other 5-6th place. Duke Mataele then Defeated Ace Brown for the 4th place position. Duke also defeated Todd Palmer for the 3rd place position. Setting up the final between Tommy Baker and Duke Mataele. Tommy played very well even with having distractions from a drunken girl who was at a birthday party upstairs during the final game. Tommy asked her to quit because it was the finals and then ran out! That's being tournament tough!
Several of the matches were recorded by Roadplayer Billiards and can be seen in our articles and news section. If you have any tournament news or want to post an upcoming tournament send them to  



1st Place                  Tommy Baker                              $300.00
2nd Place                 Duke Mataele                              $200.00
3rd Place                 Todd Palmer                                 $150.00
4th Place                 Ace Brown                                    $100.00
5th Place                 Roger Bordley                             $75.00 
6th Place                 T-Bone                                          $75.00
7th Place                 Scott Dahle                                  $50.00
8th Place                 Eddie Payne                                $50.00

Tommy Baker


Duke Mataele


Todd Palmer


Ace Brown


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