Many pool and billiard
players cannot afford to have their own billiard game rooms, but because of their love of the billiards they frequent local
pool halls to play their favorite game. If you are a pool hall or tavern owner it is vital that you equip your billiards room
with high quality accessories to keep customers coming back to the pool hall for years to come!
Far to often the pool
hall does not maintain their equipment and do not give their customers high quality equipment to play on. The rails are loose
and play inconsistent, the cloth is fast but the rails are slow. The house cues are in poor shape, have cracked ferrules and
poor or no tips. The pool balls are dirty or mismatched. The walls are bare and plain looking creating little if any atmosphere.
Customers soon get discouraged and go to another pool hall to play their favorite game!
Pool players are very
picky about the equipment and the atmosphere in the pool hall they play in. Players do not want to loose a game because a
table does not play well or it has nicks in the felt. The conditions of the pool hall make a huge difference in its success.
The atmosphere is very important too, is it clean with pictures and posters on the wall, or is the pool hall dirty and poorly
kept? Are the racks in good shape or are they cheap or broken? It is hard to get the balls to break well if you can' t get
the rack tight. It's now a favorite pool hall of players in town!
My friend recently bought
a pool hall in my hometown that is a prime example of this. The tables were old and very poorly kept. Most players in town
only went there to play when they had to play league matches there and when they did always complained about the tables. Juan
replaced the tables with new diamond tables and fixed up the inside of the bar. They went from having 2 league teams to having
6 teams this year in the pool hall. Now a lot of people meet there after leagues to hang out and play for money. It has made
a night and day difference in the way players feel about the pool hall.
Everybody in town was excited about the new pool tables and Juan fixing up the pool hall. They are the first
diamond tables in Pocatello and a welcome change! It has raised the billiard rooms business considerably just because the
owner put in nice pool tables and fixed up the inside of the pool hall. Every pool hall owner should take pride in his or
her establishment!
That’s why I created, is to provide a place for individuals and room owners to purchases
high quality billiard equipment and accessories. . Roadplayer billiards is dedicated to customer service and will do everything
to make our customers happy so they can enjoy their favorite game! When you have great equipment you naturally play better!